Installation guide


  • Python 3.8 is a must ⚠️ - this is enforced by the snowflake-snowpark-python package. Refer to Snowflake documentation for more details.

  • A tool to manage Python virtual environments (e.g. venv, conda, virtualenv). Anaconda is recommended by Snowflake.

  • Kedro is fixed for now at version <0.18.9 due to data set errors that appear in later versions.

Plugin installation

Install from PyPI

Install the plugin (it automatically installs Kedro in a supported version)

$ pip install "kedro-snowflake>=0.1.0"

Install from sources

You may want to install the develop branch which has unreleased features:

pip install git+

Available commands

You can check available commands by going into project directory and running:

kedro snowflake
kedro snowflake [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -e, --env TEXT  Environment to use.
  -h, --help      Show this message and exit.

  init  Creates basic configuration for Kedro Snowflake plugin
  run   Runs the pipeline using Snowflake Tasks